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CLS Series Single-Acting High Tonnage Cylinder

CLS Series Single-Acting High Tonnage Cylinder

Capacity:  50~1000 Ton

Stroke:  50~300 mm

Maximum Operating Pressure:  700 Bar


Product characteristics

Integral stop ring provides piston blow-out protection
Baked enamel outside finish and plated pistons provide superior corrosion protection

Operation manual

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Product selection form

CLS Series SelectionChart






Min Height








Oil Capacity







50 50 CLS502 128 125 70.9 355 71 4
50 100 CLS504 178 125 70.9 709 71 18
50 150 CLS506 228 125 70.9 1064 71 23
50 200 CLS508 278 125 70.9 1418 71 28
50 250 CLS5010 328 125 70.9 1773 71 33
50 300 CLS5012 378 125 70.9 2127 71 38
100 50 CLS1002 143 164 132.7 664 71 24
100 100 CLS1004 193 164 132.7 1327 71 32
100 150 CLS1006 243 164 132.7 1991 71 40
100 200 CLS1008 293 164 132.7 2654 71 49
100 250 CLS10010 343 164 132.7 3318 71 58
100 300 CLS10012 393 164 132.7 3981 71 66
150 50 CLS1502 165 209 201 1005 130 43
150 100 CLS1504 215 209 201 2010 130 55
150 200 CLS1508 315 209 201 4020 130 82
150 250 CLS15010 365 209 201 5025 130 95
150 300 CLS15012 415 209 201 6030 130 108
200 50 CLS2002 193 235 265.9 1330 130 66
200 150 CLS2006 293 235 265.9 3989 130 101
200 250 CLS20010 393 235 265.9 6648 130 136
250 50 CLS2502 193 275 366.4 1832 150 90
250 150 CLS2506 293 275 366.4 5496 150 137
250 250 CLS25010 393 275 366.4 9160 150 184
300 50 CLS3002 235 310 456.2 2281 139 137
300 150 CLS3006 335 310 456.2 6843 139 198
300 250 CLS30010 435 310 456.2 11405 139 258
400 50 CLS4002 265 350 559.9 2800 159 200
400 150 CLS4006 365 350 559.9 8399 159 275
400 250 CLS40010 465 350 559.9 13998 159 352
500 50 CLS5002 295 400 730.6 3656 228 289
500 150 CLS5006 395 400 730.6 10967 228 390
500 250 CLS50010 495 400 730.6 18278 228 489
600 50 CLS6002 310 430 855.3 4277 194 350
600 150 CLS6006 410 430 855.3 12830 194 465
600 250 CLS60010 510 430 855.3 21383 194 582
800 50 CLS8002 355 505 1176.3 5885 224 549
800 150 CLS8006 455 505 1176.3 17645 224 709
800 250 CLS80010 555 505 1176.3 29408 224 870
1000 50 CLS10002 385 560 1465.7 7329 360 729
1000 150 CLS10006 485 560 1465.7 21986 360 921
1000 250 CLS100010 585 560 1465.7 36643 360 1113

technical data

Base mounting holes standard on all models 

Plunger wiper reduces contamination, extending cylinder life

Single-acting load return

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   Technical support:HZEU

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